Environmentally Sustainable Project Awards 2010

Eligible: profesionals
Register: 31 may 2010 / Submit: 30 June 2010
Registration fee: none

The objective of the Environmentally Sustainable Project Awards is to recognise innovative Projects that demonstrate sustainability and environmental awareness, and have a positive impact on the local community and environment.

Eligible Projects:

Eligible Projects will be those that have been completed within the past two years, or those of which a significant proportion has been completed. Projects may be from the public sector, private sector, or from a partnership of both. More than one Project may be entered.

LivCom acknowledges that not all of the following Judging Criteria will be applicable to all Projects. Where a particular Criterion or part of a Criterion is not applicable to a Project, the Project will not be penalized. However, a Project Submission must address all Criteria relevant to the Project

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