Eligible: professionals
Register: 1 June 2010 / Submit: 30 June 2010
Registration fee: none
Integrated habitat design inspires development that maintains the health of the natural systems that we all depend on. The IHDC competition emphasises that working with nature, adapting to climate change and enhancing biodiversity is integral to the design of our urban, suburban and rural built developments.
For example, a bee should never be further than 20 metres from a food source within the site and a hedgehog should be able to cross the scheme in safety.
This competition is open to individuals and teams. Submissions can be for any built environment design project (new build, retrofit) in an urban, suburban or rural location, of any size, anywhere in the UK, but must take into account each of the 6 Design Criteria - Ecosystem Services, Nature, Water, Energy & Low-carbon, Livability, Economics.
Winners will be selected by judges from the worlds of ecology, architecture, engineering, landscaping and climate change adaptation. The overall winner will be the design that best integrates nature and the built environment with innovation, imagination and practicality, and will be awarded £2,000. All finalists will receive free entry to CIRIA’s World Green Roof Congress in London in September, as well as having their work published and displayed at a 5-week exhibition at The Building Centre in London.
To find out more information click here