Eligible: students, professionals
Register: 14 May 2010 / Submit: 28 May 2010
Registration fee: none
The purpose of the ResilientCity.org Design Ideas Competition is to stimulate thinking and discourse about how to increase the resilience of our cities as we move into a century where our cities will be subjected to the combined environmental and economic impacts of peak oil and climate change.
There are many possible opportunities for increasing the resilience of our cities, and in the 2010 Design Ideas Competition we are looking for you to explore ideas about how you would increase the resilience of the city you live in. To this end, the 2010 competition's theme will be:
"Building Urban Resilience where you live with what you have."
There will be a $1,000 CAN prize for our jury's selection of the best planning and design idea, and there will also be an additional prize of $1,000 CAN for the best video mini-documentary.
To find out more information click here