Eligible: students
Register/Submit: 28 May 2010
Registration fee: 25$
The objective of the Wayne Grace Memorial Student Design Competition is to gather outstanding examples of landscape architectural work which clearly demonstrate in words and images that can be easily understood by the public, regulators, landscape architects and other design professionals how the practice of landscape architecture and licensing affects the quality of life.
Few people who regularly use the facilities designed by landscape architects realize how the quality of their lives is improved by the licensed professional’s work. To improve the understanding of these issues and to demonstrate the importance of landscape architecture and licensure, the Landscape Architectural Registration Boards Foundation (LARBF or Foundation), the charitable foundation of the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB), sponsors this annual design competition and relies on the generosity of contributors of the LARBF. The Foundation is a charitable organization that is actively engaged in advancing licensure for landscape architects. The Foundation serves students, candidates for licensure, landscape architects and the profession of landscape architecture.
To find out more information click here