Eligible: students, professionals
Register: 30 June 2010 / Submit: 10 September 2010
Registration fee: none
Prize 6 000 €
Register: 30 June 2010 / Submit: 10 September 2010
Registration fee: none
Prize 6 000 €
Santa & Cole, the Spanish Association of Landscape Architects and the European Biennial of Landscape Architecture announce the first Santa & Cole Landscape Architecture Competition, a Europe-wide competition of ideas intended to promote and reward good professional landscape architecture work in Spain, as a new culture which modifies and enriches the surroundings. Held biennially within the framework of the European Biennial of Landscape Architecture, each competition will consider a different sphere of action.
This first competition will reward the landscape architecture intervention in the Valle de Sant Pere, within the Belloch property, situated in the municipality of La Roca del Vallés, Barcelona.
To find out more information click here