IFLA Student Competition

Eligible: students
Register/Submit: 26 March 2011
Registration fee: none

The International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) has launched “Urban Boundaries,” an international student competition. The organizers seeks out submissions that provide examples of an “urban – rural transition or boundary in which the values for land are in conflict” along with a landscape architecture solution that shows how “urban boundaries can be positive transitional elements between the urban landscape and undeveloped land.” 

IFLA says sustainable land-use is now a global priority. However, urban sprawl continues unabated and ”pressures on the landscape are growing.” Any empty space near a city is almost always now viewed as potential space for development. As a result, identifying and preserving the boundary between urban sprawl and undeveloped land is becoming increasingly important. The organizers say “this competition is based on the thought that the greater the economic value attributed to undeveloped land, the more indiscriminate the inappropriate development will be – and hence the concern about protection.” 

IFLA’s competition is open to all landscape architecture students, or in the case of countries without a formal landscape architecture program, allied disciplines. Both individual and group submissions will be accepted, but group teams can have a maximum of five members. Each student or group is permitted only one entry. IFLA adds that “broad interdisciplinary submissions are welcome; however, the project must be about landscape architecture.”

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