Eligible: professionals
Registration: 1 June 2010 / Submit: 6 September 2010
Registration fee: free
The Leuphana University of Lueneburg invites landscape architects to re-design the existing 15ha Campus in conjunction with a proposed new key building designed by Daniel Libeskind. The competitors will work in accordance with a strategy plan prepared by the architect while issues of traffic calming and ecology are also central. The competition is a closed invitation process with 5 participants following an international open application procedure. The invited participants will be asked to submit a masterplan (deadline Sept 6, 2010) and also to make themselves available for a week in October to present and discuss the masterplan with students at the Leuphana Fresher’s week, as well as support groups of students in associated projects. This is part of the Universities philosophy to provide practice based skills and interdisciplinary teamwork opportunities.
Each participant that submits an auditable entry will receive a net 5,000 Euro, Each participant commissioned as Visiting Lecturer receives a gross fee of 1,000 Euros. For three awards and two acknowledgements the promoter provides net 18,000 Euros.
To find out more details click here