New York Designs 2010

Eligible: students, professionals
Register/Submit: 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, 1 December
Registration fee: none

Architects, landscape architects, engineers, and other designers are invited to submit projects to the Architectural League’s New York Designs series. Projects of all types at any scale, either built (completed within one year of submission) or under construction in New York City, are welcome. Quality is the sole criterion for selection.

New York Designs recognizes accomplished built work in New York City. If your project is selected, League staff will work with you to develop an appropriate presentation, most often taking the format of an on-site tour or brief lecture. We invite designers to include project collaborators, such as consultants, contractors, engineers, clients, and others in the project presentation. Submission assumes the accessibility of the space by a group of 20-30 people and availability of the designer to take part in a New York-based program. Travel monies will not be provided.

To find out more information click here.