Eligible: professionals, local authorities and NGOs.
Register/Submit: 27 August 2010
Registration fee: none
Good landscapes, wherever they are, help make great communities. A new town square, a restored coastal path, a regeneration scheme with public space at its heart, all make a contribution to how well a community works. The UK Landscape Award is looking for the best landscape in the UK.
The Award helps to implement the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in the UK. The Convention is the first international convention to focus specifically on landscape, and is dedicated exclusively to the protection, management and planning of all landscapes in Europe. The ELC became binding from 1 March 2007. The convention highlights the need to recognise landscape in law, to develop landscape policies dedicated to the protection, management and creation of landscapes, and to establish procedures for the participation of the general public and other stakeholders in the creation and implementation of landscape policies. It also encourages the integration of landscape into all relevant areas of policy, including cultural, economic and social policies.
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